Chem-dry vs. Steam Cleaning in Bothell: What’s the difference?

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December 13, 2023

Chem-dry vs. Steam Cleaning in Bothell: What’s the difference?

For Bothell homeowners, carpet cleaning is a big decision. Not only do you have to think about the time and money involved in having your carpets cleaned, but you also have to decide which method of cleaning is best for you. There are two most effective cleaning methods as steam cleaning vs. chem-dry. These methods are very different, and each has its own pros and cons. This article will discuss the benefits and downsides of each method so that you can make an informed decision about which is best for you.

What is Steam Cleaning?

Steam cleaning is the process of using hot water and steam to clean carpets, upholstery, and other fabric surfaces. The steam penetrates deep into the fibers of the fabric to loosen and remove dirt, stains, and other debris. Steam cleaning is often used in professional carpet cleaning services, but it can also be done at home with a rented or purchased steam cleaner. The steam cleaners are filled with hot water, and the machine heats the water to create steam. The steam is then forced through a hose and nozzle onto the surface to be cleaned. As the steam comes into contact with the surface, it loosens and removes dirt, stains, and other debris.

What is Chem-Dry?

The Benefits and Downsides of Steam Cleaning.


  • Steam cleaning can be done at home with a rented or purchased steam cleaner.
  • Steam cleaning is effective for removing deep-down dirt and grime.
  • Steam cleaning is often used in professional carpet cleaning services.


  • Steam cleaning uses a lot of water, which means that carpets can take up to 1-2 days to dry.
  • Steam cleaning can cause mold and mildew growth if the carpets are not dried properly.
  • Steam cleaning can damage delicate fabrics.
  • Steam cleaning can worsen indoor air quality by releasing mold spores and other allergens into the air.
  • Steam cleaning can make carpets feel stiff and scratchy.

The Benefits and Downsides of Chem-Dry


  • Chem-Dry uses a fraction of the water that steam cleaning uses, resulting in your carpets drying in just 1-2 hours
  • Chem-Dry is effective at removing dirt, stains, and other debris from carpets.
  • Chem-Dry is less likely to cause mold and mildew growth than steam cleaning.
  • Chem-Dry uses a low-moisture cleaning solution that is safe for all types of carpets, including delicate fibers like wool and silk.
  • Chem-Dry’s cleaning solution is non-toxic and fragrance-free, so it won’t leave any chemicals in your carpets that could trigger allergies or asthma.
  • Chem-Dry’s cleaning process leaves carpets feeling soft and fluffy.


  • Chem-Dry can be more expensive than steam cleaning.


Both steam cleaning and Chem-Dry are effective methods of cleaning carpets, upholstery, and other fabric surfaces. However, they are very different methods, and each has its own pros and cons. If you are looking for a method that uses less water and dries faster, Chem-Dry may be the best choice for you. Chem-Dry is also less likely to cause mold and mildew growth than steam cleaning. Additionally, Chem-Dry is a safer and more convenient carpet cleaning solution. For exceptional and stress-free carpet cleaning, contact Five Star Chem-dry in Bothell today!



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