Protecting Your Upholstery in Snohomish: Four Practical Tips!

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January 9, 2024

Protecting Your Upholstery in Snohomish: Four Practical Tips!

1. Routine Vacuuming: Similar to carpet care, regular vacuuming is essential for upholstered furniture. Upholstery acts as an air filter, capturing dirt and allergens. To maintain a vibrant appearance and enhance air quality, incorporate regular vacuuming into your upholstery care routine.

2. Guard Against Intense Sunlight: Direct sunlight can quickly fade upholstery fabrics. Utilize covers, drapes, or curtains to shield your furniture from the sun’s strongest rays during the day. This simple measure helps preserve the color and vibrancy of your upholstery.

3. Prompt Spot Cleaning & Professional Attention: Accidents are inevitable, especially when enjoying snacks on cozy couches. Taking swift action—calling Five Star Chem-Dry and addressing stains promptly—increases the chances of avoiding permanent damage. Regular professional upholstery cleaning prevents discoloration, allergen buildup, and contributes to improved indoor air quality.

4. Rotate Cushions and Launder Covers: Prevent depressions and sunken areas by regularly rotating cushions. If your cushion covers are removable, adhere to care instructions and wash them periodically to maintain a consistently fresh and clean appearance.

For expert upholstery care in Snohomish, entrust Five Star Chem-Dry. Call us today to schedule professional upholstery cleaning and keep your furniture looking like new!



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